Treatments for Your Sensitive Teeth

Did you know, there are many treatments for sensitive teeth problems? Yes, it’s true! You do not have to suffer in silence if you have sensitive teeth because there are many things you can do to improve your situation. Having sensitive teeth is a common problem that affects thousands of people each day. Our dentists, Dr. Sean Ferguson, is excited... read more »

Support Your Smile With Tooth Decay Prevention and Treatments

Are you familiar with the common causes of tooth decay and what you can do to protect your tooth enamel? Tooth decay is a condition in which the hard-outer layer of your teeth known as your tooth enamel is slowly worn down. If left untreated, it can lead to serious infections and tooth loss. Typically, tooth decay is the result... read more »

Options for Cavity Fillings

If you’ve ever had a cavity filled, you know that the end result is a whole tooth that doesn’t hurt any longer. But one of the downsides of a cavity is that you’re left with a gray, cement-colored filling afterward. That doesn’t exactly do wonders for your smile. And if you have a big cavity filled, then the filling itself... read more »

How Oral Health affects the Rest of your Body

If you had to guess, would you say that your oral health and overall wellness are linked? If you said yes, you guessed right. The state of your oral health is closely linked to your overall health and wellness, and vice versa. Without the best oral health you can have, you put the rest of your body at risk. But... read more »

Traveling Kit Reminders for a Healthy Smile While You Travel

Are you excited for the spring season? Are you ready to vacation somewhere or plan to have many pictures to commemorate your fun-filled season? If so, then we have exciting tips for you! Keeping your smile healthy and white as you travel is always ideal, especially if you love to take pictures. To help you, our dentistss, Dr. Scott Ferguson... read more »

Taking Care of Your Dental Work

If you have decided to restore or replace a tooth, you may think that you can slack off on taking care of your smile. The truth is that brushing and flossing are not just for your natural teeth. Plaque, tartar and food debris can build up on your dentures, implants veneers, bond, bridge and crown.  If you fail to care... read more »

Say Goodbye to Plaque and Tartar

The health of your smile is necessary when it comes to chewing food, speaking properly and demonstrating facial expressions. Daily oral hygiene is the key to stable oral health and the prevention of oral problems like tooth decay and gum disease. We offer some tips on proper oral care to help you remove and prevent plaque and tartar. Using an... read more »

A Composite Dental Filling Can Treat an Active Cavity

Having a regularly scheduled dental checkup performed by a dentist like Dr. Sean Ferguson and Dr. Michael Ferguson every six months is essential for detecting and preventing oral health problems. This simple outpatient appointment will effectively clear away bacterial deposits from your teeth, while also identifying any early signs of gum disease and cavities. If our dentist finds a small... read more »

Limiting Dark Beverages Can Help Maintain a White Smile

People dealing with noticeable dental stains on their teeth will often turn to a dentist like Dr. Sean Ferguson and Dr. Michael Ferguson to have a dental bleaching treatment performed. This represents one of the most effective methods for safely whitening your teeth. After the cosmetic treatment they might also suggest making some minor lifestyle changes to prevent new dental... read more »

Freshen Your Toothbrush After Illness

When you're sick, it is good manners to try and keep from spreading your illness to other people in your proximity. So, once you have recovered, it's a good idea to replace your toothbrush with a new one. It's just good toothbrush etiquette. Toothbrushes can hang onto bacteria and germs even after you've healed. This means that they can transfer... read more »