Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you when you walk into a room. If it’s been married by physical imperfections or significant staining problems, it can impact your self-confidence and leave you looking for cosmetic dental solutions. Here at our office, one of the most effective methods our dentists offer for restoring your smile is... read more »
You probably know that you should brush your teeth every day for two minutes at a time. You also know that you should floss every day. Have you ever been told that bleeding gums is a normal part of caring for your pearly whites? Sadly, this isn’t true. In fact, bleeding gums could actually indicate more serious issues. One of... read more »
Your routine dental checkup is designed to address the multiple aspects involved in maintaining good oral health. This also includes a basic cancer screening for any signs of oral and pharyngeal cancer. Early detection is important for treatment success. The American Dental Association reports that each year one in 92 adults are diagnosed with some form of oral or pharyngeal... read more »
Drs. Ferguson, Batra, and Smith routinely use fillings to repair small-to-modest-sized cavities. While they are effectively hardened or cemented into place with a powerful dental adhesive, no filling is impervious to the passage of time. In most cases, the older and larger a filling is, the more likely it is to develop a problem. If one of your fillings is... read more »
If you’ve ever lost a tooth, you probably understand that some tasks that had been simple can be much more difficult. For instance, if you’re missing teeth you could struggle to pronounce some sounds and to chew comfortably. Luckily, there are several options you can consider—including a dental bridge. Dental bridges, which are designed to match the color and appearance... read more »
You know that a big part of staying healthy is following a healthy diet. The foods and drinks you enjoy could also have a great impact on your smile. As such, there are several foods and drinks you should avoid, or at least limit. For example, you should avoid drinking sodas and many juices. Luckily, there are other drinks you... read more »
Do you want to keep your smile from harm this winter? If so, our Ferguson & Associates, DDS team has a recommendation for you! Keeping your teeth and gums in tip-top shape while you participate in winter sports and activities can be tough, especially if they are high contact or dangerous. So, if you want to prevent oral injury, your... read more »
Did you know that a toothache could be caused by a number of issues? Similarly, have you heard that if you have a toothache you should visit your dentist? You see, the issues that lead to toothaches can often become worse if they aren’t addressed—which can in turn make your toothache worse. You have several different nerves that run through... read more »
Everyone knows that a cavity is obviously something you don’t want in your teeth. They hurt, they hurt worse to get filled, and afterward, the appearance and integrity of your tooth is often compromised, although you can choose to get tooth-colored fillings these days. What most people aren’t aware of, though, are the potentially devastating effects cavities can have on... read more »
When minor surface stains are allowed to set deep into the tooth enamel, it can be difficult to effectively whiten your smile with consumer-grade oral products. In cases like this, your dentist, Dr. Sean Ferguson, will often recommend a professional dental bleaching treatment. The potent whitening agents they uses are the safest and most effective method for a bright new... read more »