Dr. Sean Ferguson secures all crowns with a very strong dental cement that is meant to stand the test of time. Unfortunately, there are rare instances when a hard fall, blow to the face, or bacteria from gum disease can actually weaken the cements hold down your crown.
Should one of your crowns feel loose, you need to call Dr. Sean Ferguson as soon as possible to set up an appointment. Even a small amount of wiggle could damage the abutment within and lead to serious complications.
It’s important to avoid playing with, tonging, or wiggling the loose crown. Even a small amount of movement can cause permanent damage to the abutment. If a blow to the face left blood and debris in your mouth, you can clean it away by gently rinsing with lukewarm salt water. Dr. Sean Ferguson can perform any other needed cleaning procedures.
If the abutment inside the crown is undamaged, Dr. Sean Ferguson might be able to cement the crown back in place. If the abutment has been significantly damaged a root canal might need to be performed to restore sufficient structure to secure a new crown.
If you have a loose or damaged crown you should call Ferguson & Associates, DDS at 704-786-8317 as soon as possible to schedule an emergency appointment.