If you want a strong, healthy smile, it’s time to develop an oral health care plan – one that can help you take good care of your teeth and gums and prevent future dental problems. To help you, Dr. Sean Ferguson has some tips for you.
First, take a look at your own oral health needs. Talk to Dr. Sean Ferguson about any specific dental conditions that you have or may have in the near future. Then develop a plan to help with those conditions. Cancer, pregnancy, heart disease, diabetes, braces, and other conditions can all affect the state of your smile. Once Dr. Sean Ferguson has given you the appropriate advice suited to your needs.
Second, create a proper oral hygiene routine. This means brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night. It may also mean incorporating supplementary tools like mouthwash or sugarless gum. Choose oral hygiene tools with the American Dental Association seal on the package. This ensures that the tools are safe and effective.
Third, use fluoride regularly. Your teeth need to be consistently exposed to fluoride to remain healthy and strong. That’s because fluoride, a natural mineral, fortifies and nourishes teeth while also giving them the ability to fight harmful bacteria and dental issues. You can access fluoride by brushing with fluoride toothpaste, drinking fluoridated water (such as the water from your tap), and getting a professional fluoride treatment.
If you are ready to create a proper oral health care plan in Concord, North Carolina, please call our office at 704-786-8317. Our Ferguson & Associates, DDS dental team is here to help you in any way we can, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to helping you and your smile!